Sunday, January 27, 2013

instuctional tech #7
In this article it is talking about how the iPad can transform a class room. I chose this article to write my blog about considering this discussion has been brought up numerous times in our class room. This article explains how the iPad can truly help out our class room and the way children learn. An iPad can get the children more involved with what is going on in the class room. I believe there are pros and cons to using iPads or some other tablet in the class room. Yes, an iPad can be very helpful with learning and get the student interested in what is going on in the class room, but what about the expense? Is the school going to provide the iPad or other tablet for the student? What about students that have social networking? Are they actually going to be on their iPad or tablet for school, or will they be sending a tweet? Maybe they younger students should be allowed with the iPad, or maybe the iPads should be supplied by the schools and there is a block on all social websites. This is just something for any elementary school or high school to think about.


  1. Morgan, I agree with your statement about how helpful the Ipad can be in a classroom especially since they are so portable and so much easier to handle than a computer. However, as you stated I worry about not the cost but also how valuable and breakable they are. Especially with elementary school children. I would worry about them dropping them and breaking them and the cost of that. If it could be funded by someone then that would be a great investment.

  2. I agree that the ipad could be a great useful tool in the classroom.The cost is a concern though. I would also be concerned with the older children using them for things other then class work.

  3. Morgan,

    I agree with the article and how an Ipad will help in learning. I'm only skeptical with the use of Ipads by the little kids, and I wouldn't trust the responsibility of older students with one either. The cost is most definitely the concern for most parents. However, I wouldn't be surprised to see young kids with Ipads in school since they do have access to other tablets and the fact that some parents have learning applications for their children on other gadgets.
