Tuesday, January 22, 2013

pay attention video #3

1. The information in the video made me realize how many different people use technology these days. That small children have cell phones that they can not go a day about. So if teachers see that if they maybe try and use technology for our students to learn. Students would be more interested in learning by things that they are interested in themselves. If students are interested in learning by using phones, ipods, or ipads why not if you can keep their attention by using technology.

2. The main one statement to me was, "If you cant beat them, Join them. Students are going to use their technology whether the teacher tells them not to have in class or not. So why not make them allowed in class and get better use out of technology by teaching?

3. In the future i will try to work technology into my class room, but their will be pros and cons to that. If i have a younger class I believe cell phones will be used far and few between.

1 comment:

  1. Morgan, I like how your favorite part was the if you can't beat them join them phrase because that is so true. Instead of making your students angry and mad at you let them do what they want and let it benefit you at the same time!
