Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Introduction #1

Hi, my name is Morgan Pace and I live in Laurel, Ms. This is my first semester attending USM as a junior, I just recently graduated from JCJC. My major is special education with a minor in sports coaching. My goals in life are just like any other college student, graduate from USM and get an excellent job. After I graduate and find a job I then will start on my master’s degree. Dyslexia is what I am interested in getting my master in at USM. Outside of class I love to work out, paint, and play any sport. I am a very athletic and outgoing person. I am always up for a challenge and I will do my best in everything I do. I do not give up easily at all, if I have the will power to do something I will always stick with it until it is done. I work a 12 to 5 job Monday thru Friday at SCRMC. I am a very family oriented person. I absolutely love my parents, they are literally my biggest fans, they have supported me in anything and everything I have done and want to do with my life. I have one sister who is married and she has two children. My nephews are my two main squeezes, they are 15 months apart. Harrison in 2 and Haygen is 1 and I really do not know what I would do without these two boys in my life. I will sit at home every weekend just to be with them and do whatever they want their “momo” to do. My life consists of school, work, family, and my boyfriend and that’s a little bit about me.

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