Sunday, January 27, 2013

instuctional tech #7
In this article it is talking about how the iPad can transform a class room. I chose this article to write my blog about considering this discussion has been brought up numerous times in our class room. This article explains how the iPad can truly help out our class room and the way children learn. An iPad can get the children more involved with what is going on in the class room. I believe there are pros and cons to using iPads or some other tablet in the class room. Yes, an iPad can be very helpful with learning and get the student interested in what is going on in the class room, but what about the expense? Is the school going to provide the iPad or other tablet for the student? What about students that have social networking? Are they actually going to be on their iPad or tablet for school, or will they be sending a tweet? Maybe they younger students should be allowed with the iPad, or maybe the iPads should be supplied by the schools and there is a block on all social websites. This is just something for any elementary school or high school to think about.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

computer terms #6

1. Software  is a program that is a series of instuctions that show you to do things.
2. Hardware is anything you can touch on your computer. input keyboard, mouse, scanner. output printer, speaker, screen
3. CPU is central proccessing unit, it carries out instructions from your key board. It takes care of all the calculations.
4. RAM is random access memory, it allows your computer to quickly. The more RAM you have the faster your computer is.
5. ROM is read only memory. It helps boot the system up and if your power goes off it saves all information.
6. A harddrive is for saving the information that is on your computer.

the machine is using us #5

Is every thing is based on our computers, our technology? Every one communicates through the computer now. Are we addicted to our technology? Maybe the machine is "using us" because all we put on our social medias is now out there, its not just ours. Anything we put on the web can be used, therefore the machine can use us.

The dirty and dangerous side of technology # 4

I had always known that technology sometimes was not best for our heath, but after reading this article I did not know how serious it could be for our health. Even though these gadgets of ours are dangerous does not mean that we will stop buying or using them. Maybe if we do slack off of buying the products it can better our chances of not contaminating anything, but americans now a days are very selfish so no matter what we might be doing wrong we are not gonna give up what we like just to please or help out other people.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Manti Te'o's fake girlfriend #2

As I was reading the article about Manti Te'o I was honestly torn in which way I should swing towards. Was he telling the truth or was he lying. There have been many different sides of the story by way of tv, newspapers, and even the radio. Its really hard for me to believe that he was just making up a girlfriend just for more attention. He is already a star football player, what more attention does he need? I believe it might have started out as a small joke or something and then escalated. Maybe he did know this girl, and maybe he did meet her, but what if it was someone that Manti Te'o knew and just wanted to play a horrid prank on him, and that person never knew it was escalate like this.

Introduction #1

Hi, my name is Morgan Pace and I live in Laurel, Ms. This is my first semester attending USM as a junior, I just recently graduated from JCJC. My major is special education with a minor in sports coaching. My goals in life are just like any other college student, graduate from USM and get an excellent job. After I graduate and find a job I then will start on my master’s degree. Dyslexia is what I am interested in getting my master in at USM. Outside of class I love to work out, paint, and play any sport. I am a very athletic and outgoing person. I am always up for a challenge and I will do my best in everything I do. I do not give up easily at all, if I have the will power to do something I will always stick with it until it is done. I work a 12 to 5 job Monday thru Friday at SCRMC. I am a very family oriented person. I absolutely love my parents, they are literally my biggest fans, they have supported me in anything and everything I have done and want to do with my life. I have one sister who is married and she has two children. My nephews are my two main squeezes, they are 15 months apart. Harrison in 2 and Haygen is 1 and I really do not know what I would do without these two boys in my life. I will sit at home every weekend just to be with them and do whatever they want their “momo” to do. My life consists of school, work, family, and my boyfriend and that’s a little bit about me.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

pay attention video #3

1. The information in the video made me realize how many different people use technology these days. That small children have cell phones that they can not go a day about. So if teachers see that if they maybe try and use technology for our students to learn. Students would be more interested in learning by things that they are interested in themselves. If students are interested in learning by using phones, ipods, or ipads why not if you can keep their attention by using technology.

2. The main one statement to me was, "If you cant beat them, Join them. Students are going to use their technology whether the teacher tells them not to have in class or not. So why not make them allowed in class and get better use out of technology by teaching?

3. In the future i will try to work technology into my class room, but their will be pros and cons to that. If i have a younger class I believe cell phones will be used far and few between.