Thursday, February 21, 2013

Tip and Software #9

I do not know much about computers and some short cuts that you can use, but one I always use is Ctrl 2 which double spaces your essay or whatever your writing in Microsoft. The software I would like to know about is the Smart Board because as a teacher I might will eventually be using it a lot in the future.

Ctrl + F- Find
Ctrl + S- To save your documents.
Ctrl + P- Print
Ctrl + R- Right Align
Ctrl + C- Copy
Ctrl + Z- Undo
Ctrl Alt Delete- When your computer freezes up.
Ctrl + 2- double space
Ctrl + 1- single space
Alt + Tab- switches between open programs. - You can send files that are to big to regularly email. up to 2gb
Ctrl + tab- Opens up a new page.
Ctrl + V - Paste
Ctrl + B - Bolds Words
Ctrl + W - Closes tabs
Ctrl + L - Left Align
Ctrl + E - Center
Ctrl + A- select all
Ctrl + I - Italicizes letters
Password - Use letter, numbers, capital letters and special symbols for it to be harder to hack.
Print Screen Button 


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