Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Khan Academy #13

In this video Salman Khan is changing the way people can learn. He wants to use technology to help students in the class room, but not only in the class room but outside also. He has affected teachers, parents, and children. He shows in the classroom how each student learns different. You can see the children that are learning faster to the children that are learning slower. Then the teacher can make a decision on how to better the students by maybe changing up the way they are taught.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Articles #12

I do feel like it is not fair for the students that want an education, that actually care what they do in life are not going to be about to because the government is taking it away from them. Students that do not have the money for college depend on that money to help them get through college.

I do not like how some schools are keeping information on students, I know it could be used as seeing how they do academically through the years but still. The sharing of the social security number is crazy, and how the principal can give the okay or not for these students information to be given is crazy, what about the parents??

John Hunters World Peace Game #10

1. That he is saying that many people are depending on him and that he has a big responsibility.

2. He used the game for to challenge people, for them to try their best. He also used his own experiences in the game. Also children love games, they have more of an intrest with games.

3. One of the roles in the game is leadership. Its making people see they need ot step up.

4. John Hunter referred to himself as a facilitaory

5. Condelence letter served as a way to teach the children respect.

6. John Hunter: Caring Passionate Fun

7. I would not feel to successful teaching my students this game, I did not quite understand it all my self, so that mean i would not be able to teach it well.